I love just about anything that will make my house smell good...this includes natural fragrances like herbal bouquets, potpourri and pomanders...and although they aren't natural, diffusers. My favorite diffusers for the money are from Pier One. What I don't like is anything that is too intense and heavy. That's why....
When my daughter introduced me to these products, I fell in love!
Not only do they work effectively but that add the most wonderful and very natural scent to the room. Who would think that washing dishes and cleaning off the counters would be such a nice experience leaving you feeling refreshed and invigorated.
Mrs Meyer's makes dishsoaps, surface cleaners and hand soap in three different fragrances: Lavendar, Basil and Lemon. They are all just a bit different from what you would expect...with a little something extra that gives a fresh and lovely lift to the air. Not the least bit heavy or overpowering.
I have been buying them at Target but they are also available at other stores. I think that you might enjoy giving them a try.
Thank you for visiting. I hope that your day is full of fragrant, fresh, and soothing things.