Saturday, January 28, 2012

I Would Like to Recommend...

I love just about anything that will make my house smell good...this includes natural fragrances like herbal bouquets, potpourri and pomanders...and although they aren't natural, diffusers. My favorite diffusers for the money are from Pier One. What I don't like is anything that is too intense and heavy. That's why....

When my daughter introduced me to these products, I fell in love!

Not only do they work effectively but that add the most wonderful and very natural scent to the room. Who would think that washing dishes and cleaning off the counters would be such a nice experience  leaving you feeling refreshed and invigorated.

Mrs Meyer's makes dishsoaps, surface cleaners and hand soap in three different fragrances: Lavendar, Basil and Lemon. They are all just a bit different from what you would expect...with a little something extra that gives a fresh and lovely lift to the air. Not the least bit heavy or overpowering.

I have been buying them at Target but they are also available at other stores. I think that you might enjoy giving them a try.

Thank you for visiting. I hope that your day is full of fragrant, fresh, and soothing things.

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Unexpected Gift

A while ago I posted a book review on Shanghai Girl's, written by Lisa See, one of my favorite authors. This post however really isn't about the book, but about a wonderful and most thoughtful gift from a friend...

...this past week we met for lunch, because of prior involvements and the intervening holidays it took us a while to get together. She had mentioned earlier that she had something to give me.

...and what she had turned out to be  very special and very thoughtful. She had been able to attend one of Lisa See's book signings. Before she went, she downloaded a hard copy of my post, took it with her to the event, and had it signed for me.

Such  a thoughtful gift,  from a special friend. Thank you Fran.


As I said before this really isn't a book review, but I highly recommend this book and the sequel: Dreams of Joy, which I just finished reading ~ they are both wonderful!

Thank you for visiting, I hope you have an unexpected gift in your day.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Un Petit Quelque Chose ~ A Little Something

The morning sun streaming through my kitchen window on a cold, but sunny morning  brings with it the  anticipation of a new day and what adventures, accomplishments, and joys it will contain.

Although I have been keeping up with all of my blogging friends I have been slow in posting lately. I have been very busy with the repairs from the wind damage we had last November. I will be sharing this all with you in a later post.

Until then, I hope your day is sun-filled.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bouquets and Challenges

Althought I still haven't figured out what is going on with my blog and Blogger I have managed to put together a post, at least now they are letting me download pictures.  I am using their new platform and I am finding it a bit daunting. I hope you will bare with me while I get myself though this difficult "techno" phase.

...and now for something I think you might find more interesting...

Some of you might remember that I used some scavenged Euclyptus branches mixed with poincettias for  a holiday bouquet in my living room.  After Christmas when I took the bouquet apart, I just couldn't bring myself to throw them away. I remembered this wonderful container that I had brought home many years ago from Morocco ~ Perfect!


I purchased two of the round trays you see in the background on line from WUSLU Daily Deals and used  one as a backdrop. This is my first purchase from this on line store and I can see that I am going to have to be careful, they have so many interesting items and the shipping is always $5.00.

Oh! I see a little friend has stopped in for a visit. I think he adds an interesting touch.

I really like the way this looks, I think it offers a 'French" feel and because the branches have dried there is no hurry to make a change.

 It's good to be back posting again, but I still have tons to learn with the new Blogger format and to top that off I also have a new computer to get familiar with. The new year seems to have brought several challenges.

This post has been linked to:,

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Blogger Trouble

For some reason Blogger is giving me trouble...not letting me post images plus other problems. They have asked me to download Google Chrome which I have done but it still doesn't seem to help. Is anyone else having this problem. So fustrating!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Succulents to the Rescue

Some of you might remember that I  filled these epergnes with apples, and berry wreaths and used them for holiday decorations on my dining room table. They are a bit challenging because the bowls are so shallow; it complicates what you can put in them. I wasn't quite ready to put them away so now they are on the window ledge in the media/family room. I like the way they look with the light shining through, but, what to do to glam them up?  It was once again...

...succulents to the rescue!

I took  little glass votive holders and filled them with potting soil and succulent cuttings from the garden.

I did this in a blue and white Chinese foot bath several months ago and they are doing well, in fact they are getting too big for the container.

To cover the messy part I tucked in some sphagnum moss and let it trail...I got this idea from the holiday issue of Jeanne d'Arte magazine. They featured several interesting ways to accessorize with different kinds of moss ~ all lovely. 

I am pleased with the way it looks, I always perfer using natural plants when possible ~ these with an occassional sprinkling of water should last until the spring when they will be rooted and then I will plant them in the garden. I think that succulents are the most wonderful group of plants. I am basically an cottage style gardener, but succulents seem to fit in anywhere, and most important ~ thrive. I think of them as 'Garden Jewels'.

The tureen was a gift from my brother, he always gives me the most wonderful things. The epergnes once belonged to my Aunt Lolly who I have spoken about here before.