Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Oak Leaf Hydrangeas ~

When I first started gardening here at Rose Arbors I had great success with hydrangeas, but in recent years with the drastic change in weather and our increasingly hot climate that has changed. Oh yes, they still bloom but not with the lushness of prior times. There is however one wonderful exception, this Oak Leaf Hydrangea that takes pride of place under an avocado tree in the front garden

The flowers are creamy white, elongated and sweetly fragrant, like all hydrangeas they persist on the bush to enjoy for several weeks. 

It does not repeat bloom but it does put on a nice show in the fall when the foliage turns red. I will prune it back severely in late winter.

For some reason until last year I made no attempt to cut the flowers, what a shame, because once I did so I found that they made wonderful long-lasting fragrant fresh bouquets and like all hydrangeas, make great dried flowers, retaining most of their creamy white color.

I have enjoyed these so much and I hope that by sharing them with you you might want to give Oak Leaf Hydrangeas a try in your garden, I don't think they will disappoint you.

Thank you for visiting.



  1. Really beautiful! When I get to our next home, I'm going to try to grow a lot of different kinds.

  2. Oh your hydrangeas look so lush and frothy... I love to pick some and pop them in a vase or dry them for winter. Climate change is real and I think we gardeners are noticing before some others who seem to be ignoring it.

  3. What a pretty spot in your garden! Too hot and dry for us here in general. But I do see some varieties grown here by diligent people. They do make a wonderful bouquet!

  4. Hi Adrienne, as I am typing this I hear on the news of the earthquake. I hope you didn't feel it too badly. I'm not sure how far away from the epicenter you are. I hate those things!! Your oak leaf hydrangea is just beautiful. I don't have one like that but I love all hydrangeas..Happy 4th to you..Judy

    1. Thank you for your concern. I am quite a distance from where the earthquake happened, we did feel a little something but not much, enough however to remind me to update my disaster supplies...living in California you just never know.

  5. I have a couple hydrangeas in my garden that are not doing too well since I'm not watering them enough. They're too much of water suckers and don't really fit in my low-water garden. They're beautiful though and there are some spectacular ones in my neighborhood; I just don't want to spend so much water on them. Yours are very beautiful, I love the elongated shape of the flowers.

  6. I know exactly what you mean...after all "hydra" does indicate water. LOL I don't think my other ones get enough water either but for some reason these seem to get by, for me at least, with less.

    I love when you post pictures of your garden, I hope to see more soon.

  7. Après 5 ans de relation avec mon petit ami, il a soudainement changé et a cessé de me contacter régulièrement. Il proposait des excuses pour ne pas me voir tout le temps. Il a cessé de répondre à mes appels et à mes sms et il a cessé de me voir régulièrement. J'ai ensuite commencé à le rencontrer avec différentes amies de filles, mais à chaque fois, il disait qu'il m'aimait et qu'il avait besoin de temps pour réfléchir à notre relation. Mais après que j’ai contacté (padmanlovespell@yahoo.com), Dr.Padman du temple des sorts jeté un sortilège d’amour et après un jour, mon petit ami a commencé à me contacter régulièrement et nous avons emménagé ensemble au bout de quelques mois et il était plus ouvert à moi. qu’avant et il a commencé à passer plus de temps avec moi que ses amis. Nous nous sommes finalement mariés et nous sommes maintenant mariés avec bonheur depuis 2 ans avec un fils. Depuis que le Dr. Padman de padmanlovespell@yahoo.com m'a aidé, mon partenaire est très stable, fidèle et plus proche de moi qu'auparavant


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