Friday, August 27, 2010

Back to School!

Winslow Homer:  The Blackboard

This morning when I went out jogging the sidewalks were once again busy with children either walking or riding bikes, some accompanied by their parents, on their way to the first day of school. The friendly crossing guard, who insists that I need help crossing the street, was back at his corner complaining that the summer went too fast. It seems that my life has always revolved around the school year: first as a student; then married to an educator and eventually becoming a teacher myself. So now to me, even though I am no longer teaching, the beginning of the new school year is the start of the "new year" rather than in January. It is the time to take on new endeavors; enroll in new classes; return to the old ones and the start of the new TV season. In the garden it is the time to take stock of what did well and what changes can be made for next spring. And of course this time of year means bulbs! A promise for tomorrow contained.

How are you affected by the start of the new school year?


  1. The start of the school year is very tiring at Love and Life at Leadora. There is a wee bit of me that misses getting the classroom ready for a new school year. But remember how stressful it could be? I always chuckle when I see pencil boxes this time of year! :)

  2. ...remember how we used to run around looking for those pencils boxes?LOL As crazy as it sounds, I miss all the lesson planning - it was fun! And the first day back was so nerve-wracking.

  3. So True ! Did you know that both my daughters are school teachers? So is my sil. I think it is a great job for a family. Hope you have a great year!


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