With our unseasonably warm weather everything is blooming earlier this year including the Bewitched tree roses that line my driveway in the front.
My preference is for vintage roses, such as China's and Tea's but I long ago fell in love with Bewitched, which is a Hybrid tea, albeit a vintage one. It blooms and blooms and blooms throughout the season covering itself with huge, clear pink flowers; it also has a wonderful fragrance.
So, as you can see, around here right now everything is coming up roses!
I finally located Miss Twiggley's special hiding place. I knew that she had one somewhere as occasionally, and always at the most inopportune time, I couldn't find her. Eventually, after I would exhaust myself searching she would appear.
She had somehow found a space in my workroom between the cabinets and the wall that lead to an enclose area under the built in counter. She gave the whole thing away last night when I was in the room and saw this little paw sticking out through the crevice. wanting me to play.
Naughty kitty, now I will know where you are!
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