Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Finally back ~

For the last couple of weeks I have been having technical problems with my computer, which at this time of social distancing, especially for someone like me who really enjoys all of the online connections has been very distressing. And, of course I didn't have access to creating a new blog post. I am just glad I was able to get this post up before Blogger's new platform is put in place as I am sure that will also require a certain amount of learning, I am so used to the old blogger platform. 


Meanwhile, I planted another batch of seeds. I can't think of anything else that has given me so much pleasure over the past few months as planting seeds. The seedlings from the first seeds I sowed have been planted out into the garden and are doing well. This time, more zinnias and two types of cosmos, both should thrive in our hot summer weather, plus nicotiana Sensation, tall and willowy, it gives a lovely effect in a border.

One of the most dependable plants in my garden are gaillarias, commonly known as Blanket Flowers. They seem to bloom almost year around. The one below is particularly nice, especially when considering it is a self-seeded plant. The individual stems are longer than my other gaillaria plants - all purchased in six packs. I am going to collect some of the seeds and try to propagate it.

The daylilies are blooming and although I have them in several colors these old fashion common orange ones are my favorite. I usually don't like orange flowers but these are so pretty and flourish without any care; they are like a ray of sun a far back border.

I noticed this view when I went out early this morning - the Rose of Sharon in full bloom, below: a white, dwarf crepe myrtle, red fountain grass, some of the a fore mentioned nicotiana and roses. Peeking through is my new red gate, finally finished!

Finally, the bouquet I made to share with my gardening group's Zoom meeting. I wanted to show off the beauty of three red roses: David Austin's Prospero and Othello, and the classic Burbon rose Madame Isaac Pereire. All three roses are intensely fragrant. I combined them with gaillaria seed heads and Heavenly Bamboo flowerettes.

It is so nice to have my computer back up and be able to post again.

Take care, stay well, and  when in public wear your mask!



  1. I think I will stay with the Legacy bloogging platform...I hope it will still work.
    Your flowers look amazing, so cheerful.
    Stay well Adrienne and welcom back!

  2. That’s what I hope to do to, let’s hope we will be able to access it.

  3. Your flowers are so pretty and I adore the Blanket flowers. I am still learning the new blogger and at first could not find out how to publish a new post. I wished they just left it alone.

  4. Hi Adrienne. My computer is so wonky that I know I am going to have to get someone in to look at it, but I dread the thought, so just keep pushing. I notice when they first added that thing that said the new stuff was starting, it said by the end of June, now it says in July, so don't know what is going to happen. You will still be able to use the old way that we are used to if we want (they say). I tried it and it is a little confusing, but I can see how it will be easy to use, but is it any better, not as far as I can see. I'm no genius at this stuff, but can't see why we needed to change, unless I'm missing something...Your arrangement is so beautiful and so is your garden..Stay well..xxoJudy

  5. Bonjour à tous! Je suis ici pour explorer les blogs et les forums sur le remède merveilleux et le plus sûr contre le virus HERPES SIMPLEX (HSV).
    J'étais positif au sujet du virus mortel appelé HERPES et j'ai perdu espoir parce que j'étais paria et rejeté même par mes amis de placard.
    J'ai cherché en ligne pour connaître un traitement curatif pour HERPES et j'ai lu le témoignage de quelqu'un sur la façon dont il a été guéri du HSV-2, alors j'ai décidé de contacter le même herboriste appelé Dr JAMES parce que je sais que la nature a le pouvoir de tout guérir.
    Je l'ai contacté pour savoir comment il peut m'aider et il m'a dit de ne jamais m'inquiéter qu'il m'aiderait avec les herbes naturelles de Dieu!
    Après 2 jours à le contacter, il m'a dit que le traitement était prêt et il me l'a envoyé via UPS SPEED POST et il m'est arrivé au bout de 3 jours!
    J'ai utilisé le médicament comme il me l'a indiqué (MATIN et SOIR) et j'ai été guéri!
    c'est vraiment un rêve mais je suis tellement heureuse!
    C'est la raison pour laquelle j'ai décidé d'ajouter également plus de commentaires sur lui afin que plus puissent être sauvés comme moi! Il guérit également des maladies telles que les effets rectum, les lésions intestinales, l'occlusion intestinale, la maladie ovarienne, le cancer, l'hypothyroïdie, l'herpès, la BPCO, le VIH, Arthrite, Maladie de Lyme, Hpv, Infections, Maladie du foie, Maladies auto-immunes, Maladie de Parkinson, Lupus, Néphrologie et hypertension, Neurologie, Obstétrique, Gynécologie et Santé de la femme, Oncologie, Pédiatrie, Pulmonaire, MYÉLOFIBROSE AIGUË, Symptômes de l'ALZABHEIMER, DIÉTÉMIQUE , CHUTE ET TRAITEMENT DES CHEVEUX, MALADIES DU REIN, LEUCÉMIE, LEUCÉMIE MYÉLOÏDE, TRAITEMENT DES CELLULES SOUCHES
    si vous avez besoin de son aide, vous pouvez envoyer un e-mail OU Quelle est l'application Lui
    https // drjamesherbalmix.wordpress.com
    Whatsapp +2348152855846

  6. You are such a good gardener - unfortunately I'm not very successful with seeds. I wish I were, though. I love gaillardia as well, I have the red kind in my garden (I think it's called "Burgundy") and one of them also has longer stems than the others. I wish they would self-seed, but they don't. The self-seeding plants usually do so well and are quite reliable - like verbena bonariensis (which is one of my favorites as well, especially for hot and dry places).
    Your flower arrangement looks lovely. Great idea to use the seed heads of gaillardia, I should do that, too. Thanks for the inspiration.

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