Monday, April 1, 2013

Roses and Cherubs ~

In the past years I have shared my beautiful yellow Rosa banksiae Lutea, better known as Lady Banks rose with you, and it is indeed gorgeous again this year, but to mix it up a bit I thought that instead of repeating myself I would introduce another Lady Banks rose...this one is a sister to the yellow variety and is called: Rosa banksiae Alba Plena, the white variety and she is a beauty too. Here she is draped over my greenhouse with a little cherub and a Hop vine to keep her company.
The individual flowers are quite small, but much larger than the yellow Lady Banks, to me they resemble little powder puffs. Like her relative this rose is once blooming and has no fragrance, but I love its charming, rambling, old fashion quality

I have a real love for garden statues and especially cherubs, this little guy has been in my garden long enough to gain a rich patina

Soft, pretty colors ~ perfect for these lovely spring days.

Wishing you a day full of roses. 
Thank you for visiting. 
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  1. I bought a new rose this weekend...a white one not unlike your gorgeous rose.
    Madame Hardy and we also found a white star magnolia.
    Isn't life better in the garden?
    If I ever travel south I would LOVE to visit your garden Adrienne.
    We could walk about and admire your roses while sipping tea!

    1. Madame Hardy is a wonderful rose and will be super is your climate. I have a star magnolia too I know that you will love it! Yes, life is definately better in the garden.

  2. C'est un véritable plaisir que d'admirer ce coin de jardin avec ce chérubin... et je l'envie de passer du temps parmi les fleurs.
    Chez moi, les première fleurs sortent avec l'arrivée du printemps mais qui est toutefois bien timide!
    Gros bisous

  3. I love its old-fashioned rambling quality too! So beautiful!

  4. Cuuute! Quel plaisir de voir d'aussi jolies fleurs! <3

  5. What a beautiful garden shed you have! I look forward to reading more about your garden!

  6. I long for warm weather and blooms. Thank you for sharing your own with us. Such a gorgeous escape.

  7. Ahhh...the promise of Spring in your beautiful photos! It is 46 degrees here and I keep hoping. I'd love to see more pics of your greenhouse.

  8. Your pictures are beautiful, Adrienne. Love the white Lady Banks rose. I have the yellow one along side the Cottage and if you noticed in my header how pretty it was two years ago. Last year it didn't do very well and it's not blooming yet this year so I don't know. My hubby prunes it when I'm not looking and I don't think he does it at the right time. Do you prune yours and when?..Happy Tuesday..Judy

  9. I just love your beautiful roses and the way the green house is engulfed in vines and blooms! Heavenly! Just ask the wonderful cherub. Gorgeous.


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